Hey Familia!
Okay so this week was awesome!!! God is answering every one of our prayers! Last week was a hard week with poco success. But this week was awesome!
We started out the week with no one that was going to get baptized. We were hoping this 17 year old girl would get baptized. We tried to find her on Monday but she wasn't home. Then Tuesday we went and she said she didn't want to get baptized anymore. This was because her sister is having a baby and she was going to be the godmother. In the Catholic church you can't be a godmother if you have been baptized in another religion. I was sooo sad. I told her how I had to leave Jackson because I knew that I had to put God first and she said she was going to pray about it. Then the next day! I don't know if I have ever prayed so hard hahaha. The Elders went and they taught her and she signed her baptism registros!!! And she still was wondering if that is what she should do. Then they sang a hymn and she said that the Spirit was sooo strong she felt hot. And she knew that it was from God. She accepted to be baptized on Saturday!! We taught her the Word of Wisdom and she said that she drinks a lot of tea. But that she would stop because she knows what she felt was from God! Sooo cool. She got baptized and when she left from the water she started to cry! It was sooo cool. The Spirit was soo strong.
Then on Friday Milton and Malen got married! Malen invited us. That was cool! Malen is the one that got mad at me if you remember that story. But they got married. Now we just need to help her husband get baptized.
Then in church yesterday our ward almost completed the goal of 120 in church. We got up to 114! It was soooo cool. God is working big miracles here.
Tell Serenity that having you gone is good practice for her mission. And she has Kami and Katie there. Tell her that you guys will be fine. I live here and people here are super nice.
Brayden, Sorry to hear about your girlfriend. That's okay because when I get home we can hang out!! hahaha
Hope! You are sooo cute. I like your devotional pictures.
Mom, My comp. likes the blue ring! Bring a picture of Christ that shows Him in the red robe like the one that is next to our front door. The one with a face serious. And bring 10 other pictures, and a little bag of cheap CTR rings.
I am great! I feel really weird. I remember before I left home I was really anxious, excited and sad. I feel the exact same right now. I wake up super anxious. I feel sick sometimes - I don't want to leave! But at the same time I am soooo excited. It is super weird. I can't explain it.
Do you have more questions before your viaje?
Love you all. Thanks for helping me!
Hermana Bailey
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