Tuesday, March 15, 2016

March 14, 2016

Last conference with the leaders of the mission :(

Okay Family!!!
This week was super awesome!! I learned a lot. My companion is super awesome. She works soooo hard. I am losing weight!!! Luckily!! hahahah Everyone is saying "Wow Hermana, you're getting skinny!!! That's awesome!! Super great! ahahaha 

Anyway, we are trying to baptize 8 people before I go home. I have to do that to reach the goal I set at Christmas! We are working sooo hard. We have a couple that is really close to getting baptized. They just need to get married. Yesterday they said they were going to go to church but then they sent us a message that said they couldn't because their kid was sick. And so we just went to their house anyway to take them to church and they came out!!! And they got ready and went to church!!! It was a miracle. This always happens. Something good is about to happen and then satan just puts something in the way!!  That is when we have to act in faith and not give up. Ugh it is sooo draining. 

I don't have a lot of time but the time in the mission is just passing by sooo fast. Luckily my companion is really focused in the work and it helps me keep pushing and to not give up. Last week people from Buenos Aires came to Zapala and filmed us in our ward because we are having soooo much success.  They are going to use this video and share it all over to help the church! So I will be famous in the church!!! hahahah cool huh. This all happened the first day with my comp. hahahah. Welcome to Zapala Hermana Dandaluz. We work sooo well here that we get to teach people all over the church what we are doing!!! Coool huh? 

Anyway, so that is about all. I love you all. Send all your questions to the office.   Or maybe Uncle Ron can make phone calls?? Sorry or the office can. In the worst case we will just worry about it when your get here. Anyways, keep working hard.
Love you,
Hermana Bailey

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