Monday, April 6, 2015

Zone Pictures from Sister Lovell

Thrown into the Fire

The stake made the missionaries a huge chocolate egg. This is a picture with my district.

 This is the members in my ward that came to conference--so great. They are like one big familia 

Okay so this week was sooooo eventful. So Friday was our baptism for Fl____... um yeah it turned out way bad. We woke up that morning and we were super excited. We went over to her house that morning the day of the baptism to drop off the baptism dress. So the mom is the less active who had started coming to church again with her other daughter. We were so happy these people were progressing and it all seemed like it was too perfect to be true. So we passed by the house Friday morning and the mom came out and said Fl___ (the 15 year old) doesn't want to talk to us and she doesn't want to get baptized. My companion started crying and started getting a little angry and flustered. I was just trying to be calm and I was just praying so hard to have God help me know what I needed to say. I just said "oh this is normal. People always get a little nervous before a baptism. We don't want to force Fl____ if she doesn't want to but we would like to talk to her and see what she is worried about." Well the mom just got more and more angry and we weren't saying anything. She just started to go off about things that we had done and how she hates the members in the ward and how she is mad at the elders for teaching her son because he is not interested in religion even though he is a member and the elders only taught him one time. Fl____ had talked to her dad on Thursday night and he was a counselor in the bishopric but now inactive and he asked her all these really hard questions about the gospel and she didn't know the answers so the mom started to yell at us and say that we didn't teach the daughter and that we basically just wanted a baptism... Seriously soooo dumb and they said we can't pass by anymore! We seriously felt like crap. I just told her sorry for whatever we did because when I would try to explain she would just get more mad. So I just apologized and I cried and my companion gave them a hug. I bore a short testimony and then we left..... Yeah that whole day we just cried all day long. Seriously one of the hardest things that has ever happened in the mission. We worked sooo hard and they were finally progressing and we were so happy and then it all just ended like that. And I couldn't help but blame myself and think "well if I would have done this or this.... maybe things would be different" and then I felt that I ruined their future. But in conference I learned a lot about agency and how they have their free agency and how I can't do anything about it.  Just show love love love!!!! 

Conference was amazing I loved every second of it.  I went to the stake center in Roca and there were a ton of missionaries and guess who I saw?!  MY trainer!!!!!!! Yeah we talked and I understood her perfectly and she understood me perfectly (tell Uncle Ron he was right).  It came to pass -everything he wrote me back in December when I felt like there was no hope for the language. 

Normally at home during conference I look at the clock or fall asleep but not this conference.  I felt the Spirit so strong.  I cried and I took so many notes and had all my questions answered. I liked the talk for the parents about their children.  I related it to me and my investigators and how I need to help them(my children). hahahah.  I just had this overwhelming feeling of gratitude for you and Dad for raising me in the gospel and what awesome missionaries you guys were for me and your other kids! I am going to use your example to be a better missionary. Thanks, I love you guys sooooo much. When people ask you why all your kids are so great, tell them it is because you and Dad put God first in your life and that is why your kids and family are so happy! My testimony of this gospel is growing so much and I am now seeing that it is ONLY  through this gospel that we can experience joy! And it just breaks my heart when people reject this wonderful message. 

Transfers came but I am with Hermana Bitton one more transfer.  It is a good thing.  We get along and everything. 

Oh and for conference all the English missionaries were in a separate room and we watched it in English! But when the Spanish speaker spoke we watched it in Spanish and I understood him!!!!!!!!!!! Such a miracle.  Conference was sooo amazing and we had 4 investigators come-sooo cool! And a menos activo. Wow after what happened Friday it was seriously the best weekend ever!!!!!!! Anyways, I'm out of time. There are still so many things I want to tell you but oh well. I will on Skype because we get to Skype in 1 month!!! Yay! 

Love Hermana Bailey